Wisbech St Mary Parish Council
Wisbech St Mary is one of the largest parishes in Fenland District, covering 9,800 acres of rich agricultural land. The parish is made up of the villages of Wisbech St Mary, Guyhirn, Murrow and the smaller hamlets of Thorney Toll, Tholomas Drove and Bunkers Hill which together with a number of scattered and isolated properties has a total population of around 3,800.
The Parish Council meets on a monthly basis, usually on a Monday at 1900hrs at a number of venues. (listed in the Minutes). Residents of the Parish are invited to address the Parish Council for a maximum five minutes at the commencement of the Meeting.
Agendas for Parish Council meetings, which include an Open Forum where members of the public may speak are published on the Parish Council’s Website and on various notice boards in each of the villages/settlements.
In addition to monthly meetings, the Parish Council holds an Annual Assembly, in May each year, to which members of the public are invited to engage with the Parish Council and raise any issues of community concern.
We are independent of other levels of local government (e.g District and County Council) – however, we maintain a close working relationship with both.
We have a variety of Powers and deal with such things as bus shelters, allotments, planning applications, war memorials and street lights.
Councillors have an active interest and concern for their local community. They represent local people and work in partnership with them and others when necessary. They also help to facilitate the provision of local services and facilities and take decisions that form the policy of the Council.
They are not paid, and have to abide by a local government code of conduct and declare their financial interests in the parish along with any personal or prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion at a parish council meeting.
Agendas and Minutes are published on this website.
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